Steps to install UCD agent on Linux Machine
Login to UCD Web portal and right side on top Click drop down menue –>Click to Tools–> right click “IBM UrbanCode Deploy Agent”
–> Copy link address or download “IBM UrbanCode Deploy Agent” to your local machine or server.
Login to machine
Unzip the binary using command
Go to extracted folder and run the below command to install the agent.
Buildfile: /opt/ibmucdagent/ucd-agent-install/install.with.groovy.xml
[echo] Enter the directory where agent should be installed. [Default: /opt/ibm-ucd/agent]
[echo] The specified directory does not exist. Do you want to create it? Y,n [Default: Y]
[echo] Please enter the home directory of the JRE/JDK used to run this agent. [Default: /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_271-amd64/jre]
[echo] JAVA_HOME: /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_271-amd64/jre
[echo] Will this agent use web or JMS communication? Web communication is a new and more scalable replacement for JMS. Contact your UCD administrator to determine if your server is ready to use Web communication. Otherwise, enter ‘jms’ for legacy JMS communication. [Default: web]
[echo] Will the agent connect to an agent relay instead of directly to the server? y,N [Default: N]
[echo] Enter the web agent communication URL for your UCD server. It must begin with ‘wss://’. [Default: wss://localhost:7919]
wss://hostname or DNS:7919
[echo] Do you want to configure another failover server connection? y,N [Default: N]
[echo] Enter the name for this agent. [Default: locathost]
Enter agent name or press enter if you ok with agent name
[echo] The agent can be added to one or more teams when it first connects to the server. Changing this setting after initial connection to the server will not have any effect. You can also add a specific type associated with a team by using the format :
[echo] Enter teams (and types) to add this agent to, separated by commas. [Default: None]
Support Team
[unzip] Expanding: /opt/ibmucdagent/ucd-agent-install/ into /opt/ibmucdagent/agent
[unzip] Expanding: /opt/ibmucdagent/ucd-agent-install/ into /opt/ibmucdagent/agent
[propertyfile] Creating new property file: /opt/ibmucdagent/agent/conf/agent/
[propertyfile] Updating property file: /opt/ibmucdagent/agent/conf/agent/
$cd ../agent/bin/
./agent start