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Db2 Database

Let’s assume we have a table called customers with a unique constraint on the email column. If you receive the “SQL0803N SQLSTATE=23505” error, it means there is a duplicate email value being inserted or updated.

Assume there is a unique constraint on the email column of the customers table

We want to insert a new customer but encounter the “SQL0803N SQLSTATE=23505” error

Step 1: Identify the table and constraint
Table: customers
Constraint: Unique constraint on email

Step 2: Analyze the constraint violation
Determine the specific email value causing the violation

Step 3: Examine the data being inserted or updated
Compare the email value being inserted or updated with the existing email values in the table
Check if there is a duplicate

Step 4: Resolve the conflict
Adjust the email value to ensure uniqueness
For example, change the email value before inserting the record
INSERT INTO customers (name, email) VALUES (‘John Doe’, ‘john.doe@example.com’);